Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Photo of its progression
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Prototype #1
With Clark's help a lot of geometry was done. I can't say I didn't have a good time. I loved the whole process. I went into the shop where Clark works and we brainstormed by looking into existing art pieces and architecture with round forms. After all that, Clark helped my brain process how it would work. I went home and did a bunch of geometry by hand - NO computers here!
And there's a couple of photos of the finish product.
About the Project
Womb will be an installation piece that creates and gives the user an experience: going back to the beginning of life and how it all started when our senses were being developed and we were in the process of becoming more than just an embryo and a foetus.
The womb is a fascinating place, a place that no one can remember, a fragile and temporary world.
It is a space where after sensory input starts to developed, around 6 weeks, the outside world starts becoming an element of attention to the foetus, such as sound, movement, frequencies, vibration, chemicals etc. all have an effect on the growth, personality and future of the soon to be baby.
Womb will be an installation piece consisting of an enclosed space: 1 egg - 170 cm tall by 110 cm wide. It will be translucent and will light up. The egg is going to be a space for a person to go into. An enclosed space where light and sound are going to create the experience. The people in the gallery space walking around the egg will affect the experience, (through sensory in lights) by their closeness and touch, just as a person can have an effect on a foetus in a womb by their interactivity and closeness.
The sound inside the egg represents the mothers’ digestive system: gushing sounds, heart-beat of the mother, muffled voice, and related sounds to her digestive system.
The user of the space outside the egg will also be having an experience of their own: because the egg is translucent the silhouette of the person inside will be seen on the outside, through the egg’s structure. This will create the feeling of a powerful presence in the room and how their presence and location in relation to the egg effects the light and the sound. A translucent egg with the silhouette of the person inside, is a powerful image; an image of an unborn and untouched being; a blank canvas and a pure being.
Time to begin blogging
Photos and videos will be up as I go.
I just spoke to Priam (our new prof who's an industrial designer) and he's kind of overwhelmed me with amazing ideas and stuff I gotta get done for next week. Holy shit music is gonna have to wait a few days for me now.